A better 2024-2025 FAFSA form is now available. 适用于今天! 问题? 联系 Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金
a student tutor assists a student with a math equation in a Pima study room



The West Campus Testing Office will be 关闭d for the month of July 2024. 学生 will need to schedule their exams at another campus if they would like to test during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

There are 3 ways to place into courses at PCC

We want you to be successful in your classes and that’s why placement is important. Placement aims to start you off in the right level of coursework for you.

点击 the selections below for the multiple ways to place into courses at PCC. 

大多数学生可以使用#1或#2. If you'd like individualized help from a Placement Coach or are in a special program requiring proctored tests please see #3.

English as a Second Language students should - 安排ESL替代星际官方赌钱 

Did you graduate high school or earn your GED in the last 5 years or have at least 6 semesters of grades? 然后我们可以使用一个叫做 多种措施 把你安置在.

请注意: There are GPA minimums for placement and SAT/ACT scores can place you higher. 

If your transcript indicates a "modified curriculum" please consider option 2, PimaEdReady, below.

查看 多种措施 Placement Chart to see how you will place using 多种措施.

To get started, please submit your documents (unofficial) to the 注册商 文件 上传 使用以下流程:

    • 登录你的 MyPima 账户.
    • Select 学生 选项卡,然后 登记及缴费.
    • 在页面底部,选择 高中成绩单 or 标准化考试.
    • Select the file to upload from your computer.
    • 点击 上传文件.
    • 新闻 提交.

你 will receive an email to your Pima email when your documents have been recorded and placement has been determined.

If you cannot place using 多种措施 above, or want to place higher than you did with 多种措施, take the placement with PimaEdReady from home and on your own time.



GOAL KEYS and 方向: Please refer to our Reading and Writing Quick Start Guide for 学生

Provides students with Official Placement for Reading up to REA112; and Writing up to WRT101



GOAL KEYS and 方向: Please refer to our Mathematics Quick Start Guide for 学生

There are two levels of math and two separate exams. 你 are only required to take one for placement.

我怎么知道该选哪一个? 回答以下问题:

  • Have you taken Algebra 2 or higher in the last 3 years with a C or higher?
  • Are you in a Science, Tech, Engineering, Math (STEM) or 业务 major?  

NO (任选一个或两个问题)


PimaEdReady Intermediate Math provides students Official Placement for Math up to MAT142 (see Quick Start Guide linked above)

 是的 (这两个问题)


PimaEdReady Advanced Algebra provides students Official Placement for Math between MAT097-MAT188; (See Quick Start Guide linked above)

Option for Calculus 220 placement exam with high score of 85+ on Advanced Algebra (contact Testing Center)


To see how your score places you: 多种措施 Placement Chart 

Once you complete the diagnostic test in PimaEdReady, you will receive an email when your scores have been recorded and placement has been determined. 你 can check your placement in MyPima in 1-2 business days.

Do you have questions or want help with this process? Does your program require a proctored placement exam? We have in-person and virtual services to assist you.



完成 申请实习表格 to have a Placement Coach contact you via email in 1-2 business days for:
  • General assistance and individualized Placement Coaching
  • Remote proctoring options (limited and by appointment) 


Contact a placement coach by emailing pcc-virtualtesting@huirujz.com 或者拨打520.206.6648.


need to take any proctored placement tests if you:  

  • Can be placed using 多种措施 or PimaEdReady non-proctored tests above.
  • Have already earned a degree or certificate at a level above the Arizona General Education Certificate 
  • Can document competency in 阅读, writing or mathematics through previous assessments or college-level courses.
  • Are enrolling only in non-credit, contract or special interest courses.
  • 你在报名参加吗 证书项目 that does not require placement tests.


If you require a testing accommodation for a disability and are eligible under ADA guidelines, first contact a program specialist at 无障碍及残疾资源.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Take the ESL Accuplacer or contact 成人基础教育 for College and Career if:

  • English is not your first language.
  • 你 are not fully bilingual with native-speaker competence in writing, 阅读, speaking and listening in English.

Schedule your ESL Accuplacer at a Campus Testing Center here: 安排ESL替代星际官方赌钱


电子邮件: pcc-virtualtesting@huirujz.com

电话: 520.206.6648.


For Test Scheduling, Campus Testing Center Hours and Additional Testing Services please visit 考试中心.

For other 学术顾问 please visit 与顾问交谈

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